I took this from a college class that I am taking, Human
Relation – BA 220, taught by Professor Kinzel, and thought that it is
appropriate for this blog. There is actually a lot here if you break it down
and research the different pieces or elements for yourself, and find where you
are (truthfully) and where you would like to be (realistically).
This outline was created for the workforce, but everything in
it can be used and adapted for all aspects of your life.
The Power of Self-Esteem
o A.
Self-esteem = self-efficacy + self-respect
o B.
How self-esteem develops
§ 1.
§ 2.
§ 3.
§ a.
The things we possess
§ b.
What we do for a living
§ c.
Our internal value system and emotional makeup
§ 4.
The past programs the future
Self-Esteem Influences Your Behavior
o A.
Characteristics of people with low self-esteem
§ 1.
They tend to maintain an external locus of control
§ 2.
They are more likely to participate in self-destructive behaviors
§ 3.
They tend to exhibit poor human relations skills
o B.
Characteristics of people with high self-esteem
§ 1.
They tend to maintain an internal locus of control
§ 2.
They are able to feel all dimensions of emotions without letting those emotions
affect their behavior in a negative way
§ 3.
They are less likely to take things personally
§ 4.
They are able to accept other people as unique, talented individuals
§ 5.
They have a productive personality
How to Build Self-Esteem
A. Search for the source of low self-esteem
B. Identify and accept your limitations
C. Take responsibility for your decisions
D. Engage in strength building
o 1.
Identify your dominant talents
E. Seek the support and guidance of mentors
o 1.
Search for a mentor who has the qualities of a good coach
o 2.
Market yourself to a prospective mentor
o 3.
Set goals
F. Practice guided imagery
G. Use positive self-talk
o 1.
Be specific
o 2.
Use personal pronouns and present tense verbs
o 3.
Describe the results you want to achieve, not what you do not want
Organizations Can Help
A. Workers need to feel valued, competent,
secure, empowered, and connected